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How The Expert Here works?
The Expert Here is a platform where experts from various fields are gathered to give their services for the betterment of the organizations. Any organization ranging from school to graduation institute can get their desired expert at one place. After registration, you can pick the expert as per your requirements by verifying the detailed profile of registerd experts. For one subject, there are multiple options of experienced experts are available. Organizations have the authority to select their expert on the time and date suitable for them to arrange an expert lecture at their place.
What should an expert do if he/she faces login issues?
If login issues occur, then expert can directly contact to support team of The Expert Here which provides 24*7 live support to experts.
How can the expert promote their membership from regular to prime?
Expert has to pay 1000 INR to promote their membership from regular to prime and can enjoy the benefits of prime membership thereafter. It is farely possible for those who directly want the prime membership instead of regular. At the time of registration, they have to pay 1000INR and can be a member of prime class.
What is the difference between regular and prime membership?
Regular membership will come with the registration process. Expert who has registered as an expert on Expert Here will be counted as regular member. As soon as the count of expert lectures increases or as far as the experience of an expert considered the membership can be converted from regular to prime. The prime members will get advantages of certificate from THE Expert Here, reward points, online examination module of Smart School MIS for free to conduct quiz or online exam after expert lecture.
What are the benefits of prime membership?
Depending upon the experience and number of expert lectures conducted by that expert will take them from regular to prime. In Prime membership, the expert will get benefits of certificate from The Expert Here, reward points per lecture that can be redeemed and Online examination module of Smart School MIS at free of cost for conducting quiz or exam after the expert lecture/session.